Bible Study Fallacies

Persuit of knowledge:

Studying the Bible is not for knowledge only but for growing closer to God by learning and understanding more about His will and words. You can learn Hebrew and Greek and memorize verses, but if you do not live the word that you have studied, then it’s futile. This is the biggest fallacy that any of us could fall it. Bible then becomes a technical book; your study becomes an intellectual commitment to us and not life. Please consciously avoid this.

Remember: We must LIVE by the Word of God.

Word Study Fallacies:

Making the word mean more than it should.

Eg: Apape = love, it does not mean unconditional love;
Eg: Ecclesia = gathering, it does not mean a special group of people.

Remember: There are no hidden meanings behind the words.

Grammatical Fallacies:

While the grammar of a verse is very important in its meaning, grammatical fallacies occur when one relies extensively on grammatical structures alone to draw out a meaning.
Remember: Grammar has no meaning unless it is in the context of the verses surrounding it.

Logical Fallacies:

Over simplifying or extending logic to fit a conclusion already derived.
Remember: Your logic must always be consistent with the entire word of God.

Presuppositional and Historical Fallacies:

Failure to understand the times, purpose and context of the verses written.
Remember: Bible is not written TO you, but it is written FOR you.